Put Him in the Hall of Fame
Una letra de un tema inédito de Jill Sobule. Perdón que no traduzca pero no ando con tiempo:
If Reagan had been a great actor,
and won the academy award
There'd be no Iran Contra
and maybe no Karl Rove
If Hitler had been a great painter,
hung out with Pablo in France
There would be no history channel,
and I'd have a lot more great aunts
If George had stayed in baseball,
and really lived his dream
Became the great commissioner;
we wouldn't be in this mess
God bless the old US,
Put him in the hall of fame
Out of the house of shame
Get George Bush out of the white house and
Put him in the hall of fame
Well he could conspire and start a secret war
Against the liberal NY Yankees
with Cheney and Pete Rose
Overlook the steroids and bring back shoeless Joe
And Halliburton Stadium would be a beauty to behold
If George had stayed in baseball,
and really lived his dream
Became the great commissioner,
we'd be better off today,
just let the poor kid play
Put him in the hall of fame
Out of the house of shame
Get George Bush out of the white house and
Put him in the hall of fame
(aquí se puede escuchar la canción)
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